What does it mean to be inspired?

Why We Do It / Be Inspired

We are inspired

Our third Core Value, Be Inspired, is not something we do, it is something that is done to us; but only if we are prepared to receive it.  Our first two Core Values, Be Humble, and Be Eager, are what prepare us to receive the third.

Inspiration comes from without

The word “inspired” is most often used in the sense of being motivated, encouraged, or moved by something outside of ourselves.  However, the word’s origins give us a slightly different perspective.  The word can be traced back to the Latin “inspirare”, which means “to breathe or blow into”.  In the biblical sense, we know that when God created Adam in the Garden of Eden, He “formed man out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7.  The word for “breath” in Latin is spiritus, which is where we get the word “spirit” from, and so we see in Genesis that God gave Adam life by inspiring him with the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God, and in that act of receiving the Holy Spirit Adam went from being dust to being an eternal creature made in the image and likeness of God.  But I digress.

Being mindful of our sources of inspiration

As architects, our inspiration can come from many places.  We may be inspired by a building we see pictures of, or a trip we take, or a piece of art, a piece of cake, or a song by the legendary 90’s alternative rock band Cake.  Wherever our inspiration comes from, it is clear that it comes from somewhere outside of ourselves.  It is important, then, to be aware of the things we are being exposed to, because we don’t want to be inspired by the wrong things!

creating architecture that is meaningful and unique

In the service we provide to our clients, if we are first listening with humble hearts to our clients’ needs, and eager to provide solutions to those specific needs, then we believe we will naturally be inspired to create incredibly meaningful architecture.  We will create architecture that is unique, because it is tailored to the needs of our unique clients.  We will create architecture that is thoughtful, because it is steeped in an eagerness to do good for our clients’ sake.  We will create architecture that is inspiring to others, because it was us who were inspired first.

verso l’alto

As mentioned briefly in the opening, our three Core Values are made to build upon each other in their proper order.  We must be humble before we are eager, and we must be eager before we are inspired.  They work together in an ascending order, and with each new project we begin again at the base, and set our hearts and our minds towards the heights.